Prices for translation services vary according to several criteria, including workload or deadline.
For information on the price of a translation, please see the table below:
Language | Price |
Romanian - English translation | 18 RON/page |
English - Romanian translation | 18 RON/page |
Rates for translation services are available for pages that contain 2000 characters with spaces included.
Prices change for emergency translations. Depending on the complexity of translation, and also the number of pages translated, the emergency fee can vary between 15% and 50% of the translation price.
NOTE: In the case of images, drawings, etc. containing text, which have to be edited individually, the rate is 1,5 RON/img.
*Emergency fee applies for translations over 10 pages delivered in 24 hours, and is 50% of the price of the translation.
Starting with the second copy distributed (on paper) of a translated document an additional fee will be charged (depending on the number of pages).
Depending on the volume of work, a discount of up to 5% can be granted.
The price for collation services is 50% of standard rate of a translation.
If the translation subject to collation requires changes of more than 50% of the original text (due to errors in the original translation), the price will be one displayed in the table above.